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Vision: Focus on the efficiency and cost of customers, provide competitive environmental protection chemical industry and overall solution services, continue to create maximum value for customers, bring customers safe, efficient and low-cost professional technical services and product services, and achieve a win-win situation.
Culture: advocate a contribution oriented, active, open and innovative organizational culture.
Core values: The reason for the sustainable development of Yaguang Environmental Protection is that she can continue to provide the society with excellent services. All the elements contributing to this: customers, employees and partners will receive reasonable spiritual returns.
Our team label: efficiency, passion, struggle, enthusiasm, pragmatism and unity
We welcome you to join us, who are passionate, ambitious, capable and interested in the new media communication cause. Together, you can achieve your own goals, realize your personal ideals, and create and enjoy a full and fulfilling life in the process of achieving common cause!
——Dongguan Yaguang Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

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