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Hello, welcome to Dongguan Yaguang Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd!

Depainting/Deinking cleaning
  • Plastic paint remover YG-103

Plastic paint remover YG-103

  • Product description: This product is suitable for paint removal treatment of plastic parts such as hardware and household appliances, mobile phone communications, automobiles, engineering machinery, etc. Product parameters: Appearance: colorless transpare...
  • Product details

Product description: This product is suitable for paint removal of plastic parts such as hardware appliances, mobile phone communications, automobiles, engineering machinery, etc
Product parameters:
Appearance: colorless transparent liquid
Use concentration: use of stock solution
Solubility: soluble in water
Product features:
1. Environmental friendly water-based paint remover, free of toxic and harmful solvents.
2. It is applicable to most plastic products in the market (ABS, PC, PVC, PP, PCABS).
3. It has no corrosion to the plastic substrate, does not hurt hands, does not burn or explode, and is safe for use.
4. It is environmentally friendly, meets the ROHS2.0 detection standard, and is free of halogen (dichloromethane), benzene and other volatile solvents.
5. Paint removal speed is fast. Generally, paint can be removed in 10-30 minutes.

Product recommendation

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