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PVD/Anode cleaning
  • PVD Deplating agent YG-C432

PVD Deplating agent YG-C432

  • Product description: This product is an alkaline stripping solution with excellent performance. This product has strong penetration and dissolution capacity. It can achieve the goal by compounding a variety of alkaline materials. This kind of stripping so...
  • Product details

Product description: This product is an alkaline stripping solution with excellent performance. This product has strong penetration and dissolution capacity. It can achieve the goal by compounding a variety of alkaline materials. This kind of stripping solution can provide excellent non-destructive stripping for metal surface treatment, coating samples and other sensitive surfaces, and is widely used for chromium metal stripping treatment of metal surface material workpieces.
Product features:
1. Excellent stripping performance, which can completely remove various PVDs;
2. No corrosion to steel materials;
3. Alkaline products, which do not contain harmful substances, will not affect human health under normal use. During operation, the original solution should not contact skin for a long time or directly contact eyes;
4. The ingredients are easy to degrade, which is conducive to environmental protection;
5. Easy rinsing, saving rinsing water.

Product recommendation

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