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Chemical polishing solution
  • Stainless steel chemical polishing solution YG-602

Stainless steel chemical polishing solution YG-602

  • Product introduction: This product does not contain heavy metals and hexavalent chromium electrochemical polishing agent. It can be electropolished under low current and high temperature to obtain bright stainless steel. This product does not contain toxi...
  • Product details

Product introduction: This product does not contain heavy metals and hexavalent chromium as an electrochemical polishing agent. It can be electropolished at low current and high temperature to obtain mirror like stainless steel. This product does not contain toxic and harmful substances and is environmentally friendly. It is suitable for 201, 304, 306 and other types of stainless steel.
Product parameters:
① Specific gravity>1.20
② PH<5.0
③ Appearance: odorless, light yellow transparent liquid
usage method:
① Stainless steel workpieces are used as anodes, and lead plates of the same area are used as cathodes. The best polishing effect can be achieved by controlling the distance between the cathode and anode plates at about 15cm.
It is forbidden to bring water into the polishing liquid. Before polishing, the stainless steel should be degreased, washed and dried. The anode current density is 8-15a/dm, and the temperature of the polishing liquid should be controlled within 75-95 ℃
matters needing attention:
① The sediment produced by the light process should be discarded regularly. ② The distance between the cathode and anode is about 15cm.
③ The polishing temperature shall be controlled between 75-95 ℃.

Product recommendation

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